


Hands grip the Leavers of power

Conspiring to derail a runaway gravy train

To a sign on a replacement bus service


A starry blue flag becomes a red rag

To a raging bulldog

The Belgian matador takes aim

To the sound of an electronic doorbell, an e-knock

Rancid roast beef swimming down rivers of blood


The balding lion who wanted to re-mane

Will roar no more, but stay rampant

The unicorn is de-horned

But still stabs the lion in the back


Man United take the Norwegian option

But still stay out of Europe

A hard boarder in a Category A prison

Aims at a shot at the screw

The mark of a distant and Far age

Which never actually existed


A mop-headed philanderer will bore us

At the barbers with short backstop and sides

Sides splitting at the thought


Black clouds over white cliffs

Blue birds fly low

Observed by a knuckle-tattooed ornithologist on the Strabane-Lifford road

A hard birder in Ireland


Erdgan goes cold Turkey but will never join

Yet Norman Wisdom’s still big in Albania


Fat cats in a disunited kingdom of Late Kitten and Other Island


A minster of religion, the Reverend Um

Preaches a sermon to converted flocks

Congreagation at mass tricked

Into another treaty


Wither the storm?

But if you don’t like duck

You can go to f………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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